Bendruomenė Tech Zity

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Apie bendruomenę

Tech Zity lokacijos yra kur kas daugiau nei įprastos darbo vietos – kiekvieną lokaciją kuriame atsižvelgdami į mūsų bendruomenę. Mes kuriame erdves, kur mūsų nariai galėtų dirbti, susitikti, megzti ryšius, bendrauti ir smagiai leisti laiką kartu. Tikime, kad stipri bendruomenė yra svarbi kuriant sėkmę.
Štai kodėl mes siekiame sukurti erdves, kur startuoliai, novatoriai, antrepreneriai, laisvai samdomi darbuotojai ir verslininkai galėtų tapti bendruomene, kurti kartu, augti ir statyti savo sėkmės istorijas. Tech Zity bendruomenės sėkmė = mūsų sėkmė.

Mūsų bendruomenės nariai

Agnė Selemonaitė
Connectpay / Founder
We’ve never called ourselves a fin-tech startup though the atmosphere and the spirit at ConnectPay is exactly like that – young ambitious and hungry. As our team started to grow exponentially the option of traditional office became more and more unsatisfying. We saw workspace as a part of our team, our visual and mental identity. Tech Zity appeared to be the only  community so well established direction wise, led by a team of extra milers and out of the box thinkers with a great sense of aesthetics. Joining this community truly feels as gaining new citizenship that fits perfectly with our vision.
Arvydas Bložė
Investment Director at Practica Capital
Vilnius Tech Park is a replica of Silicon Valley adjusted to Vilnius: both visually and ideologically. Coming here always has a positive vibe, should it be workday or weekend. Community is one of the most valued things in tech ecosystems. Answers, know-how or clients could all be just one intro away. Glad to be a part of Tech Zity community and you can count on my 5 min undivided attention in case you need it.
Tomas Banišauskas
Bored Panda Founder & CEO
I started Bored Panda at home and my first ever office was a co-working space. I was absolutely fascinated with the concept. I met a lot of like-minded people and participated in many great events. When our company finally left the co-working space and moved into our own office I soon felt that something was missing. Then a couple of years later we heard about Tech Parkas and decided to give it a try. It brought back some of the things that we had been missing – an awesome community and some brilliant events.
Eugenija Kovaliova
Africo Co-founder
Vilnius Tech Park in the first place is a community, which by surrounding us with its strong startup culture inspires and assists our team in pursuing our ambitious goal to connect Baltic and African ICT markets. We strive for cultural diversity, thus it’s very important that the community holds the same values and supports us on the journey. Here we feel welcome to share our ideas and often are offered a collaboration in creating unexpected connections. We are a niche organisation with global coverage and being part of the community gives us “weight” in both national and international arenas.
Vytautas Kubilius
Google / Country Manager
For me the largest benefit of working in a place like Vilnius Tech Park and being part of the community is the connection to like-minded people. While one could argue that the tech & startup community is rather compact in the Baltics and it’s easy to have meetings in the city or industry events, I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate the opportunity to casually bump into each other while doing my walking meetings around the park or exchanging a few sentences with someone at the next table during the lunch. These little random encounters fill up your day with precious bits of enthusiasm, industry news, connection to new people and create a truly stimulating environment that’s hard to come by in a typical office setting.

Mūsų bendruomenė

Išsiskirstę 3 lokacijose Vilniuje ir naujoje erdvėje Druskininkuose, mūsų darbo vietose dirba daugiau nei 1000 žmonių. Ne viena iš didžiausių IRT įmonių Lietuvoje mumis pasitiki ir mėgsta dirbti mūsų erdvėse.
Nesvarbu, esi laisvai samdomas darbuotojas, novatorius ar augantis startuolis – tikime, kad įvairių sričių profesionalai gali užmegzti ryšį, dirbti, kurti kartu, palaikyti ir įgalinti vieni kitus. Todėl organizuojame bendruomenės renginius ir susibūrimus.

Mumis pasitiki kompanijos

Mėgaukis Tech Zity bendruomenės erdvėmis

Co-living erdvės Tech Spa darbostogoms

Co-working kavinė – Tech Café | Taste Map

Bendruomenės baras – San Diego

Tech Zity – narys

Kartu su Vinted, Hostinger, Bored Panda, Omnisend, Kilo.Health ir Tesonet įkūrėme pirmąją Lietuvoje startuolių asociaciją – Vienaragiai LT. Suvienijome savo jėgas ir žinias, kad sustiprintume Lietuvos startuolių ekosistemą – siekiame, kad Lietuva taptų vienaragių šalimi.

Nieko nepraleisk! Prenumeruok mūsų naujienlaiškį.

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